Chimneysweep price unit is 1,00 € / unit. 24 % value added tax ( VAT ) included.
Starting prices for:
- permanent residence 65 units / 65,00 €
- summer cottage 85 units / 85,00 €
- summer cottage in an island 95 units / 95,00 €
Extra work will be charged separately by the hours 1,0 h / 60,00 €
If the location of the residence is far, it is possible one has to charge extra fee: 1,0 h / 60,00 €. Extra work / extra fee is always discussed with the owner beforehand.
Kuokkalan Kirsin Nuohous/Kuokkalan Kirsin Chimneysweep Service is a member of The Central Association of Chimney Sweeps in Finland.
You can contact Kuokkalan Kirsin Nuohous/Kuokkalan Kirsin Chimneysweep Service:
- by internet:
- by email: [email protected]
- sms: 040-0421510
- by phone: 040-0421510
- by asking when You see me
You can reach me by phone from monday to friday at 8.00-9.00 am. Otherwise send me an sms and I will contact You.
Kuokkalan Kirsin Nuohous/Kuokkalan Kirsi Chimneysweep Service will serve You also at weekends.